Writing a book can take years of hard work and dedication. When you’re done with your revisions and finally dot that last i and cross that last t, what’s next? The road to seeing your book in print, of course. There is no feeling in the world like holding the first physical proof copy in your hands—seeing your words, your thoughts in black and white, your name on the cover.
We understand that feeling.
With more than 14 years of editing experience, Sleeping Cat Books offers you, the author, the quality service and individualized attention you and your manuscript deserve. Whether you are looking for a professional freelance editor to polish your manuscript before sending it to agents or publishing houses/editors, or are thinking about self-publishing, Sleeping Cat Books is here to help you prepare your manuscript for publication in print or electronic form.
We offer many services, from copy editing or proofreading the manuscript to print interior formatting and ebook formatting. We can even help with your print or ebook cover needs. Please let us know how we can help you!
Non-disclosure Agreement
We will not claim any intellectual property rights to any material we may receive as part of our working relationship, and any personal information will be held in the strictest confidence.
Please note: until we receive full payment for the project, we retain copyrights to our edited/designed portion of the work. You may not publish any works that include our edits or design unless and until we have received full payment.